・友人と・・・こういう場合私たちは無条件にwith my friendと言いがちですが、my friendはたった一人しかいない友人、もしくは無二の親友、ということになります。ふつうの友だちはa friendです。
・8種類のビール・・・beerのような数えられない名詞(物質名詞)を複数形にするのはこういう場合ですね。わざわざeight kinds of beerといわなくていいですね。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
A New Craft Brewery
Last night I went to a craft brewery with a friend. It wasn’t easy to find because it was on a narrow street far from the nearest train station. We started talking to the owner, a young American. He learned how to make beer from his father when he was only 10 years old! When he came to Japan, he didn’t like the regular beer made by large companies, so he decided to start his own brewery. It wasn’t easy. The Japanese government has very strict rules for breweries, but he didn’t give up. They finally let him make beer in Nagoya at the end of last year. Last night, there were eight beers on the menu but only five customers. How does he make money? I found out that he sells kegs of beer to pubs around Japan, and when he gets more money, he wants to start canning his beer so that he can sell it to customers like me.