・(黄砂を含んだ空気は)こちらでは中国国内ほどひどくはない・・・The air here is not…とやる方法もありますが、as…asのような決まった言い方はいろいろに応用できると強いですね。
・忘れず~する・・・be sure toとかmake sure toとか、重宝な英語です
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Winds from China
Winds in the deserts of China and Mongolia have blown the sand up into the air in the last week. Now the yellow sand is moving east. The air in Beijing and other places in northern and eastern China was very bad on Tuesday and Wednesday. In some places, you couldn’t see more than 2 kilometers. People were told to keep the windows closed and not to go outside if possible. Now this yellow sand has come to Japan. The air is not as bad here as in China, but it’s probably a good idea to wear a mask outside. You should also be careful when you wash your car. The sand can leave scratches, so be sure to rinse all it off before you wash the car.