・英語学習者はmy friendを多用しがちですが、特別な友人でないかぎりこのお手本のようにa friendですませましょう。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Readers’ Corner: Blue Mountain Coffee
I heard this story from a friend who is a high school teacher. The principal of the high school where he was working, whose family name was Aoyama, went to a coffee shop in the neighborhood. When the waitress came up to him and asked, “Are you ready to order?” the principal answered, “Aoyama da.” The waitress was surprised and said, “Pardon?” The principal said it again. “Dakara, Aoyama da!” The waitress said, “Sorry. I don’t understand what you mean.” The principal got upset and finally said, “Blue Mountain.” I wonder if English speakers can understand the humor here.