He was born into a poor family.(貧しい家に生まれた)
He was born into a well-to-do/wealthy/rich family.(裕福な家に生まれた)
・go to seeとかgo to visitという言い方をよく見ます。さりげなく使えると上級ですね。
・be well known for its ~とかbe famous for its ~は、~で知られている/有名だ という定番英語ですね。いつでも使えるようにしましょう。
・熟した時・・・when they are ripeというのが本来ですが、わかりきっているのでこんな省略も可能ということですね
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Anjo Pears and Anjou Pears
My wife went to see a friend the other day. She wanted to talk to her, but she also wanted to get some pears. Her friend buys pears every year from a farmer in Anjo, a city in Aichi that is well-known for its pears. As soon as she brought the pears home, we tried one. It was crisp and delicious. Then I remembered that France has a place called Anjou that is also famous for pears. The pronunciation is different, but I was surprised that the spelling was so similar. Is it just a coincidence? I think so. Besides, the French pears are very different. They are tasty, too, but they are a different shape, and they are soft when ripe.
He was born in a poor family. と、in でもよいでしょうか。また、もっと簡単に He was born poor. はダメですか。
He was born in a poor familyもありますね。
He was born poor.もいいですね。「生まれながらに貧しい」という感じがありますね。このpoorは補語ですね。補語が上手に使える人は上級ですね。
ちなみに手元の電子辞書で用例を見るとborn inは11件、born intoは21件でした。
born intoの使用が多いことの現れと思います。
これは想像ですが、born into a poor familyには誕生時の気分が感じられ、born in a poor familyは単に出身(出自)を表しているような気分がします・・・が、あくまで私見です。