生EV 今月も見送り
・willを「~だろう」と訳すのを聞くたびに「違うんだけど~!」と内心で叫びます。最後のwon’tは「私の魂まで殺しはしないだろう」ではありませんね。 will/won’t は話し手の強い意志を表します。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Golden Week Readers: It Won’t Kill My Spirit
I am going to study in the UK this September. I have saved money for 5 years and got my boss’s permission to go to graduate school. Last October I finally passed the entrance examination, and everything seemed to be going well. Then COVID-19 spread throughout the world. It might prevent me from going. I am trying to be positive even though Japanese cannot get a visa to the UK right now. If I cannot go this year, the UK will still be there, and I am sure I will have another chance to visit the country someday. The coronavirus has killed many people, but it won’t kill my spirit.