今晩、Robin Williams
先週水曜日のじゃれマガは米国人コメディアンRobin Williamsが亡くなったことについてでした。コメディアンばかりでなく、シリアスな映画で感動的な役どころもこなしたとありました。
その感動的な役どころとして映画 “Good Will Hunting”を挙げていました。どんな映画でしょう。見たくなりますね。今夜見れます!
Good Will Huntingが今夜NHK-BSで放映されます。
Goodbye, Robin Williams 8月14日
One of my favorite comedians, Robin Williams, has died. He started out as a standup comedian, and I first saw him many years ago as a funny radio DJ in the movie “Good Morning, America.” He was also a voice actor. He was famous for his fast talking, and many people know him as the voice of Genie in the Disney animated movie “Aladdin.” His comedies include “Mrs. Doubtfire,” a movie about a divorced father who dresses up as a woman babysitter so that he can see his children. He also gave moving performances in serious films like “Good Will Hunting.”