・ふつうは公共の動物園でしか見ることができない…このようなことを言う場合日本語では「動物園でしか」というのがふつうですね。つまりjustとかonlyといった言葉はin public zoosの前に置くと考えます。でも英語では動詞の前に置くのが多数派です。考え方の相違ですね。
今日のじゃれマガ 全文
What Did I Just See?!
What is black and white and looks like a horse? A zebra, of course! Zebras look like horses, but they are different. They are wild animals. You can usually just see them in public zoos, but people living near Washington, D.C., were surprised to see zebras passing through the trees behind their houses. There is a private zoo in Maryland, the state next to D.C., and the owner of the zoo has almost 40 zebras. At the end of August, three of those zebras escaped, and two of them were not captured until last week. For the last three months, people have been uploading videos of them on SNS. Why don’t you take a look? Just search for “zebras in Maryland.”