・マスクを着け続ける・・・kept wearing their masksとも言えますがkeep onのほうがラクですね。
・マスクをつけることに慣れている・・・大事なことはbe used toのあとには名詞あるいは動名詞が来ることですね…to不定詞ではなく。
ところでget used to 名詞/動名詞 との違いはわかりますか。beでは慣れている状態、getでは慣れるという変化を表します。わずかな違いですが大きく違います。表現の幅が広がりますよ。
今日のじゃれマガ 全文
The Eyes Say as Much as the Tongue
The other day, I was talking to someone at work about surgical masks. At the beginning of the pandemic, people around the world started wearing these masks. Then, after people got vaccinated in Europe and North America, many of them took their masks off. In Japan, everyone kept their masks on. Why? According to my fellow worker, Japanese are used to wearing masks. They had to wear them when they served lunch in elementary school. She also said that Japanese can “read” people by looking at their eyes. They don’t need to see their whole face. In fact, Japanese has a proverb that says, “The eyes say as much as the tongue” (“me ha kuchihodoni mono wo iu”).