


今はspider lilyの見ごろなのですね。花音痴なのでspider lilyって何かと調べたら彼岸花だとか。細い花弁が確かにクモのようですね。

・be in (full) bloom は満開の花が見えるようですね。春以来久しぶりに見ました。
・そちこちに/あちらこちらに・・・here and thereは目に見えるような生き生きした表現ですね。
・(赤い彼岸花)が植えられた(河)・・・a riverといってから並木のことを付け加える(後置修飾)、英語らしい構造です

今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Time to See Spider Lilies
This week has two public holidays. Monday, September 20, was Respect for the Aged Day, and Thursday, September 23, is Autumnal Equinox Day. The autumnal equinox (when the day and night are the same length) is the time of year when red spider lilies bloom. These flowers are in bloom now here and there in my neighborhood. I knew that there was a good place to see spider lilies in the nearby city of Handa and decided to go there when the weather was good. It was sunny yesterday morning, and I had a day off, so my wife and I drove to Handa. We walked along a river lined with red spider lilies, and I was surprised to see that there were white and yellow spider lilies, too.



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