Windows 11が出るそうですね。慣れるまでまた面倒ですね。
・(AppleでないコンピューターにはWindows 10が)ついてくる
・(it=Microsoftは)Windows 11を世に出す
・コンピューターに関してはひとつ所に留まることは絶対ない・・・everは”Have you ever…”のイメージが強くて過去のことを表すと思いがちですが、この試訳のように強調する役割で使います。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Nothing Ever Stays the Same
If you have a PC, then you probably use a Microsoft OS (operating system). Most computers that are not Apple computers come with the Windows 10 OS. It has been popular since it came out in 2015. I remember changing from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I didn’t enjoy it because it took a long time for me to get used to Windows 10. Now I feel very comfortable with it. Will my comfort last? No! Microsoft has just said that it is coming out with a new OS called Windows 11. With computers, nothing ever stays the same!