・冬のように感じる/冬を感じる・・・動詞feelは使用頻度は多くありませんがこんな時にかかせませんね。It sounds like~は聞こえた感じ、 It looks like~は見た感じ、と並んで大事ですね。
※ when since the weather got cold? とありますがsinceは消し忘れだと思われます
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Cold Weather and Warm Water
All of a sudden, it feels like winter. The mild autumn has left, and a cold wind is blowing in Nagoya. Temperatures started to go down last Friday, and yesterday both the high and the low temperatures were more than 10 degrees cooler than a week ago. Temperatures are much lower everywhere in Japan. Many places have had their first snow. What changes have you noticed when since the weather got cold? I was washing my hands, and I noticed for the first time that the water felt warm. Until last week, it felt cold. I don’t think the water temperature has changed. I think the water feels warm because my hands are colder.