


Timed writingとは初めて見る英語でしたが…タイマーで計って書くことなんですね。たった10分間と思えば「大儀」感も消えますね。


★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Timed Writing
Why is writing in a foreign language so difficult? I think people worry too much about making mistakes. I want my English students to stop worrying and write as much as possible, so I give them a topic and tell them to write for 10 minutes. When they finish, they count the number of words they wrote. After a few weeks, they realize that they are writing more, and they feel more comfortable writing. I decided to try it myself. I set my timer for 10 minutes, chose a topic, and wrote in Korean. I stopped worrying and wrote more each time. Because I only spend 10 minutes doing it, I can write almost every day. If you have trouble writing, why don’t you try timed writing?



1週間、英語クラブを無料でお試しいただけます。お気軽にお申し込みください。お問合せ、お試しお申し込みはこちらをクリック ↓

