・ 名前にヒントがあります…いいお手本ですね。さっそく真似てみたいですね。
・塩はとても高いので白い金と呼ばれたほどです…so that どんどん使ってみたいですね
・塩を造るのがどれほど大変だったかわかった・・・I realized ~あるいはI learned ~でもいいのでしょうけどIt made me realize とすることで重みを感じますね。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Salt Castle
We are staying in the countryside near Salzburg, Austria, a city with a long cultural history. How did this city become so rich and famous hundreds of years ago? The name is a hint. “Salz” means “salt” and “burg” means “castle.” Salt is very cheap now, but a long time it was so expensive that it was called white gold. Salt from Salzburg was sold all over central Europe, and the city became rich. Yesterday we visited an old mine in the mountains and saw how people got the salt out of the mine. It made me realize how difficult it used to be to make salt. I’m glad I don’t have to work in a salt mine!