・be easy to work with ・・・特に熟語ではありませんが、一緒に働きやすい人を表すのに便利ですね
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Time to Say Goodbye, Part Two
The last time I used the title “Time to Say Goodbye” was on March 8. I was talking about ducks that fly north for the summer. This time I am talking about people. Some people quit their job and leave the company or organization at the end of March. Other people are transferred. They leave one job and move to another job in the same company. Yesterday we had a goodbye party for two people. One is quitting her job after eight years, and the other is moving to a different office far away. They were both very helpful and easy to work with. I wish them the best in their new lives. I also hope that the people who replace them will be just as helpful and easy to work with.