・日本の子供たちが健康だということを英語ではhas fewer children who…than…と表現していますね。こういうお手本を何度も音読すると身につくでしょうね。
・食育のせい/効果です・・・becauseとbecause ofの違いをこんな場面で学びましょう
※最初の文でarticle about Japanとあり、articleに冠詞anがありません。これはtypo(ミス)ではないかと思います。
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
Healthy Children
My sister, who lives in the U.S., sent me article about Japan. It said that Japan has the world’s healthiest children. In fact, Japan has fewer children who are overweight than other countries in the OECD and EU. According to the article, this is because of “shokuiku.” It is a Japanese word that means teaching children about food. Doctors recommend a balanced meal of rice, miso soup, and three side dishes. In some preschools, children pick vegetables for lunch, and children learn about farms and fishing. Japanese elementary schools serve healthy school lunches, and parents make beautiful bento box lunches for their children. Finally, tea without sugar is much more common than sugary soft drinks at meals.