★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
The Last Message of 2022
This will be my last message of 2022. I want to thank everyone for reading Jaremaga this year. I am always happy to get messages and stories from readers, and knowing that people are waiting to read Jaremaga gives me the motivation to keep on writing. How was your year? One of the best things that happened to me this year was my trip back to the U.S. I was able to travel back to see family and friends for the first time since 2019. What are you doing over the holidays? I’m going to spend the New Year holidays making “mochi” and going to see the first sunrise of the year. What is your New Year’s resolution? Mine is to respond to every message you send me. If you have time, write to me at jaremaga@gmail.com and answer one or all three questions. Jaremaga will begin again on January 4. Have a Happy New Year!