・配信する…send out覚えておくと便利そうです
・日本語でどう言ったら適当かわかりませんがhappily surprisedなんて使ってみたいですね
・find out that~、learn that~、どちらもほぼ同じことですね。知らなかったことを知った時に大事な動詞です
★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
I sent out a quiz about fruit, and I was happily surprised. Over 60 readers sent me answers. Almost everyone got the correct answer. As I said, the fruit is named after an old musical instrument, a Japanese lute, which is called a “biwa.” The fruit is called “loquat” in English. Readers talked about how good loquats are. Some live in places which are known for growing loquats. I knew about Nagasaki, but I found out that there are other places in Japan that produce the fruit. I learned that there is loquat jelly, and one reader is going to make jam and cakes with the loquats from her tree. If you have never eaten a loquat, you should try one.