


iPhone 15 とは初代から15年経ったという意味だったのですね。


★今日のじゃれマガ 全文
A New Phone?
Apple has come out with the iPhone 15. That means that it’s been 15 years since the first iPhone came out. The world of mobile phones has really changed, and now almost everyone has a smartphone. I remember the first mobile phones. They were big, heavy, and very expensive. My daughter got a mobile phone before I did, and I only started owning one when she gave me her prepaid phone. She wanted a better one. I have had my iPhone XR for about 6 years now, but Apple is going to stop supporting it. Do I need a new phone? I like my phone, and it works well, but if the apps stop working, I will need to get a new phone.



1週間、英語クラブを無料でお試しいただけます。お気軽にお申し込みください。お問合せ、お試しお申し込みはこちらをクリック ↓

