


・(わざわい)転じて福となった・・・turn out は思わぬ変化/展開を表すのに重宝ですね
・コロナ禍にあって・・・in the midst ofとin the middle ofは区別が微妙ですが、ここでは前者に決まりだと教えられます

今日のじゃれマガ 全文
JHS Essay, Honorable Mention: Happy to Have Fallen Asleep
One day, I was taking the train home after my club activities were over. I was very tired, so I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I was at the end of the train line. The station was located deep in the mountains. After a while, the return train departed. On the way back, I was able to see a spectacular view of the mountains. There was no one else on the train, so I was able to enjoy the scenery as much as I wanted. As a result, I felt happy that I had fallen asleep. It turned out to be a good thing, and this became a good memory in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.



1週間、英語クラブを無料でお試しいただけます。お気軽にお申し込みください。お問合せ、お試しお申し込みはこちらをクリック ↓

